To what kind of banking and finance sector’s challenges are answering our solutions?
For the banking sector, customer relations’ foundations are based on trust. Within the framework of trust, banking professionals work to guarantee the security feeling of people in their agencies, ATM, cash transports and tertiary buildings.
TEB Vidéo & Sécurité integrates intelligent and dissuasive security systems that can be used;
For video surveillance and electronic security to protect your staff, your customers and your facilities.
But also, in marketing intelligence to provide smart-data on your customers behaviors, or to set up a dynamic communication display system.
Or, to help you in your daily administration and your human resources planning.
An intelligent and made-to-measure security system

To create your customized security system, our design office will assess your requirements, business issues and security risks. An audit will optimize your security equipment’s’ installation and your investment.
You can choose a visible security system in order to prevent malicious acts, or something more discreet to fit your decoration. With a wide range of solutions, your security system can:
- Protect your agencies, cash transports and sensitive areas against frauds, thefts and intrusions thanks to a video surveillance or an anti-intrusion system.
- Protect your staff and your customers from suspect behaviors, incivilities and fires thanks to a fire detection system or a CCTV system.
- Control accesses of restricted areas with badges, automatic license plates reading systems, uniqueness check, door lock schedule, etc.
- Optimize customers’ experience with marketing intelligence and its dynamic communication display system.
- Manage your human resources thanks to alerts in case of crowd.
Mutualized budgets
TEB Vidéo & Sécurité provides intelligent and global solutions for banking and finance sectors to solve all kind of security issues. By mutualizing applications from your CCTV system, you make your security equipment more profitable because it is:
- A secured system that operates instantly and that makes you efficient in case of threats.
- An intuitive interface that supervises all your sites remotely and on a unique software.
- An optimization for your human resources management, your business administration and marketing analysis.
TEB V&S is engaged to simplify your trade thanks to its 40 years of know-how on the banking business!
Install an intelligent security system
To assist each professional, we provide a full range of services to install your security system.